My life tip for today is part 4 in my 10 part series, 10 ways to improve your career from Brian Tracy. Number 4 is money. You need money to make money right? You always hear that. But you know what you really need, is you need to learn to save money. Because money gives you freedom. What if the opportunity of a lifetime comes along and you don't have the money to take advantage of it? You need to learn to save money. And just start small. Save a little bit of money every day, every week, every month and as you save a little bit, you learn to save a little more and you learn to save a little more and pretty soon you might become addicted to having money in the bank! It's so important, we think about money giving us the freedom to do stuff, go where we want, things like that. But money also gives you the freedom to take advantage of opportunities when they come about. If there's something you really want to do, something to improve your career, a class a seminar, things like that, you have to have the money to do it. So start now, just save a little bit, I don't care if it''s a dollar a week, but start, and you're on your way! For a 30 minute complimentary consultation, go to my website and request it on the contact me page. And always remember, YOU ARE POWERFUL!
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