Hi this is Coach Trish,
My life tip for you today is, ask for and accept help. Now we hear that all the time, but the truth is, most of us hate to ask for help. But think about it, do you mind helping the people you care about? Do you mind helping your business partners? Do you mind helping people that are working on a project with you? No, and they don't mind helping you either! If you continue to refuse to ask for help, you're going to be very limited in the size of the endeavors you're going to be able to complete. When I put on my event LIFE 2013 last year, I got to a point, where I had been trying to do it all myself and all of a sudden I realized, I was trying to do something bigger than that! I was trying to do something bigger than my influence, bigger than my contacts, bigger than my reach, bigger than my abilities. And I was forced to ask for help. My friend Patrick Carney says, "Life is a team sport." Once I was forced to ask for help I realized I should have asked for help a long time ago. People were willing to help me. There were people who were willing to work on this project with me and you know what? Now I'm working on their projects with them. It's a win-win. They had my back, now I have their back. There's people that you've helped in the past who would love to help you in return. I am loving helping the people in return who helped me with that project. It was so important to me and I so needed their help and I am so ready to help them now. So there's people in your life who want to help you and there's people in your life who you want to help. So ask for and receive help, and then give help in return. Life is a team sport.
For a 30 minute life coaching session, on me, go to my website and sign up on the contact me page. And always remember, YOU ARE POWERFUL!
For the Video version of this post see below.
My life tip for you today is, ask for and accept help. Now we hear that all the time, but the truth is, most of us hate to ask for help. But think about it, do you mind helping the people you care about? Do you mind helping your business partners? Do you mind helping people that are working on a project with you? No, and they don't mind helping you either! If you continue to refuse to ask for help, you're going to be very limited in the size of the endeavors you're going to be able to complete. When I put on my event LIFE 2013 last year, I got to a point, where I had been trying to do it all myself and all of a sudden I realized, I was trying to do something bigger than that! I was trying to do something bigger than my influence, bigger than my contacts, bigger than my reach, bigger than my abilities. And I was forced to ask for help. My friend Patrick Carney says, "Life is a team sport." Once I was forced to ask for help I realized I should have asked for help a long time ago. People were willing to help me. There were people who were willing to work on this project with me and you know what? Now I'm working on their projects with them. It's a win-win. They had my back, now I have their back. There's people that you've helped in the past who would love to help you in return. I am loving helping the people in return who helped me with that project. It was so important to me and I so needed their help and I am so ready to help them now. So there's people in your life who want to help you and there's people in your life who you want to help. So ask for and receive help, and then give help in return. Life is a team sport.
For a 30 minute life coaching session, on me, go to my website and sign up on the contact me page. And always remember, YOU ARE POWERFUL!
For the Video version of this post see below.