Hi this is Coach Trish,
I have a question for you today. Are you really taking care of yourself? Because so many of us, especially women, tend to put ourselves last. We take care of every else first and then ourselves. And you think you're doing a good job, but you know what? You would be doing a so much better job if you were taking care of yourself. You would be cheerier, you would be happier, you would actually be able to handle more. The reason this is on my mind is I was recently working with my coach, Ken Foster and he asked me, what was I doing that I just love to do, just for fun. And I couldn't think of a thing! That's pretty scary. Now, I do love what I do, but that's different than just doing something for fun, right? And I love that I love what I do, don't get me wrong but I love rollerblading. And I haven't been rollerblading in months. So he gave me a homework assignment and I'm going to give this one to you too. Write down 25 things that you love to do, just for fun, just for you, 25 things. Make a big list and then do at least 3 of them a week. What do you say? 3 in a week, does that sound too crazy, too much, too out there? To do 3 things in a week, in 7 days, just 3 for yourself? Well I went rollerblading today, on my way home from my mastermind and I feel soooooo good. I'm in a better mood and I'm gonna have a great day. So do something for yourself, today.
For a 30 minute complimentary consultation, go to my website and request it on the contact me page. And always remember, YOU ARE POWERFUL!
For the Video version of this post see below.
I have a question for you today. Are you really taking care of yourself? Because so many of us, especially women, tend to put ourselves last. We take care of every else first and then ourselves. And you think you're doing a good job, but you know what? You would be doing a so much better job if you were taking care of yourself. You would be cheerier, you would be happier, you would actually be able to handle more. The reason this is on my mind is I was recently working with my coach, Ken Foster and he asked me, what was I doing that I just love to do, just for fun. And I couldn't think of a thing! That's pretty scary. Now, I do love what I do, but that's different than just doing something for fun, right? And I love that I love what I do, don't get me wrong but I love rollerblading. And I haven't been rollerblading in months. So he gave me a homework assignment and I'm going to give this one to you too. Write down 25 things that you love to do, just for fun, just for you, 25 things. Make a big list and then do at least 3 of them a week. What do you say? 3 in a week, does that sound too crazy, too much, too out there? To do 3 things in a week, in 7 days, just 3 for yourself? Well I went rollerblading today, on my way home from my mastermind and I feel soooooo good. I'm in a better mood and I'm gonna have a great day. So do something for yourself, today.
For a 30 minute complimentary consultation, go to my website and request it on the contact me page. And always remember, YOU ARE POWERFUL!
For the Video version of this post see below.