The subject of today's life tip is masterminding. I just got home from my mastermind today, and it was spectacular! I have to tell you, there is nothing like the power of a bunch of minds coming together to work on the same thing. And it doesn't have to be an official mastermind. If you're working on a project or you have a friend or relative who's working on a project, form a mastermind, even if it's just for one time. And here's what you do; the person who's working on the project gives an overview, very short, 5 to 15 minutes on what they're trying to do, what they've done so far, what they're trying to accomplish. Then you quickly ask, "Are there any clarifying questions?" And then that person zips their lips, no talking. Then the other people have 30 minutes to give them ideas. So for 30 minutes, you just bounce ideas off each other, and if you want to have one person be the person that'll say who speaks when, that will make it so it's not complete chaos and that is helpful. But you just have everybody throw out ideas and you won't believe what happens. At first the ideas will seem relatively normal, run of the mill and then somebody will throw in something that's out of the box and that will spark an idea in somebody else's head that's out of the box and that will spark another idea. And pretty soon you've gone in a totally different direction and you have ideas and plans and possibilities that you never would have imagined. So mastermind. Any project you've got going on, grab a group of friends, it can even be 2 people, just as long as it's more than one. The more the better I'd say up to 10, but you can absolutely do it with just 2, and then you can participate.
For a 30 minute complimentary consultation request it on the contact me page. And always remember, YOU ARE POWERFUL!
For a video version of the post see below.